Why Chicago Cheap Ass?

I don’t want this blog to be the typical “frugalista” blog.

I used to follow blogs that showed you how to get stuff for free, but it was at the expense of the business offering the free product. I need you to know something – I LOVE Chicago. There are so many amazing businesses here worthy of endless accolades, and ultimately, your business. I refuse to post anything that would negatively impact them.

Being 24 in a big city often means budgeting money and making tough decisions about what’s reasonable and what’s completely out of the realm of possibility. At the end of the month, I need to pay my rent. I need to eat and I don’t want it to be ramen. But I want to go out with friends and experience this beautiful city to its fullest. And I certainly don’t want to be racking up credit card debt.

Thus, Chicago Cheap Ass was born out of a desire to bridge this gap between entry-level salary and big city living. I will share with you (ethical!) tips and tricks to explore this city on a budget. I’ll give you cost-effective transportation strategies, entertainment options, tell you which restaurants give you the best bang for your buck, and more.

By Maddy Osman

Maddy is the founder of Chicago Cheap Ass. She loves to read, travel, cook, and play with her adorable dog Leonidas.


  1. Hi Maddy, you recently posted on my thread
    “Why do you blog?”

    Congratulations on setting up your blog. You have some great ideas! I am a frugal queen myself and am always looking for ways to save money. I will not pay any more than I need to. We can exchange tips!

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